8 am - 10 am Meditation space - Start the festival with a clear mind? Come and meditate in our Gurt Yurts.
11 am - 4 pm Woolly Crafts with Dizzi Cree - Free Crafting with options to make things like Dream catchers, Gods eyes, Mobiles Knitting, Crochet, friendship bracelets etc
5 pm - 7 pm - Film night in the Gurt yurts - showing a family friendly singalong film. Bring your own popcorn!
8 pm - 10 pm Camp Fire Singing and Music with Dizzi Dulcimer - Beautiful dulcimer and hand mixed in with a few campfire favourite songs!
8 am - 9 am Meditation space - Chill out and relax with our daily meditation space.
9.30 am - 10.15 am - Family Football Game with Paul Conden - Come and practice your football skills with some fun family exercises finishing with a big match! All ages and abilities!
11 am - 1 pm Wet Felting with Kim Neith £3 - using tradition methods make some beautiful creations out of felt.
5 pm - 6 pm - Kids Disco - Funky tunes and disco lights. Barmy beats to get everyone dancing! Prizes for the best moves!
9 am - 10 am Melodic Meditation - Close you eyes and drift away to the sound of the hammered dulcimer and various melodic instruments.
10 am - 11 am Fitting in your Soul – Energy and movement workshop with Jess Easter
11 am - 12 noon: Shanti Yoga for the whole family with Jamii Carmen Prince Enjoy the first in a series of different family yoga classes, each day a different teacher and different style. Stretch and see how the day turns great.
11 am – 4 pm Woolly crafts with Dizzi Dulcimer - more fun with wool and willow free your imagination and see what you can make to put in our wishing tree!
5 pm – 6 pm Campfire Singing with Penny Cree - Get your voice boxes at the ready for some fun family sining round the campfire
7 pm – 7.30 pm Bedtime music with Ralph Cree - If you haven't heard the Kora played in person before your in for a real treat! Be lulled by its sensual tones while dreaming and watching the flickering fiery flames
9 am - 10 am Meditiation Introduction with Ralph Cree Short introduction on getting started with meditation and how helpful hints on clearing the mind.
10 am - 11 am Melodic Family Yoga with Sharon Cox Button and Dizzi Dulcimer - come and start your day with a lovely stretch and learn some fun yoga positions whilst being serenaded by the dulcet tones of the Dulcimer. Everyone welcome!
11 am – 5pm A Play in a Day with Penny Cree. An exciting opportunity to tread the boards! For Adults and Children between the ages of 5 and 95. This is going to be a very special event! Spend all day (with breaks built in) with Penny creating a play from scratch and then performing it to everyone at the evening concert!!
11 am - 1 pm Wet Felting with Kim Neith £3 - using tradition methods make some beautiful creations out of felt.
3 pm – 5 pm Pebble Painting with Rachel Kingsbury - This is not just any pebble painting learn some fun technique to create the most awesome painted pebbles ever!
5 pm – Play in a Day Performance! - Get yourself a comfy spot and get set to watch Camp Crees first ever Play in a day Performed Live by the Camp Cree Campers!
6 - Late Open Mic Night - we've still got slots available so if you would like to play please bring your instruments with you! Music, Comedy, Spoken Word or anything else you can think of very welcome!
9 am - 10 am - Meditation - our meditation space is open for you to use and start the day with a nice clear mind
11 am - 12 noon Family Yoga with Kim Jones - Fun family yoga with stories, games and lots of yoga fun!
12 Noon Camp Cree Ceremony - A chance for everyone to come together and set our intentions for the year we can all sing our favourite Camp Cree Song and remember what Camp Cree is all about, Togetherness friendship, learning new skills and having Great fun!
3 pm - 5 pm Potion making with Mary and Megan - £1 for materials. Hubble bubble toil and trouble! make your own special potion full of magical powers! You will need to bring a SMALL plastic bottle with a lid!
5 pm - 5.30 pm Bubble disco - Blast off with our annual bubble disco!
5.30 pm - 6 pm The Flossco: Fornite dancing session with Jake and Eddy - do you love doing the floss? Do you want to teach your parents? This is your chance to impress with our first ever flossing competition!
6.30 pm- 7 pm Bedtime Story with Rachel Bright - Dorsets own famous author comes to read us her very own stories! if you have any of Rachel Bright's books please feel free to bring them along for signing!
9 pm – 10 pm Campfire Singing with Penny Cree - learn a few new ones and revive a few favourites!
10 pm - Late Night Bedtime Story with Storyteller Heather Crow - These stories are more for an adult audience filled with weaving tales of mystery in intrigue – 12+
9 am -10 am Meditation - Our Daily meditation space is open for those who would like to join us!
10 am – 11 am - Bollywood Dance Fitness with Amanda Rose - get you Bollywood wiggle ready for this super fun fitness class!
11 am - 12 noon Belly Dancing Workshop with Nicola Jolly. For all ages and genders! Experience the sensual,
expressive art of Egyptian belly dance.
12 pm - 2 pm Giant Painting using your whole body! Come and get really messy with our giant body painting session!
2 pm – 3 pm Family Qoya with Iga limited space, donation - Movement, energy and expression through Oracle Cards. All the family welcome.
4 pm - 7 pm Body-Weight Training with Ralph – 8+ £2 limited space - learn some simple exercises and how to keep fit using your body as a weight.
6:30pm- 7:00pm bedtime story with Tim Warnes - Children illustrator extrodinaire comes to read you his own books! if you have any Tim Warnes books at home feel free to bring them for signing!
7:00pm – 8:00pm Ceilidh - Get your dancing shoes on for a fun danicing celiidh. Hope you all come and join us for this one!! the more the merrier!
8 pm - Aerial Silk Performance with Nicola Jolly Come and watch Nicola do some amazing things halfway up a tree!
9 pm – 12 pm DJ Sessions - House DJs Spin us some funky tunes to rock the night away!
9 am -10 am Meditation space open - Last chance to have a chilled mediiation with us in the Gurt yurts
9 am – 12 am Moignes Market - Your chance to bring anything you want to sell- from old clothes to jumble to crafts, cakes or even buskers. Time to sell your wares!
9 am – 10 am Cosmic Kids Yoga with Jessie Lowe - more fun family yoga to start the day with a stretch!
10.30 am - 12.30 pm Cob building with Kidney the Cob King - Make Structures and Models out of Cob that you Mix! Stomp in mud and get messy.
10 am – 11.30 pm Life Drawing with Alex and Penny - Donations - Hone your artistic skill with this family life drawing class. Paper and art materials provided.
1 pm – 3 pm Creative Cardboard Crazyness with Dizzi - The sky is the limit in this workshop. Cardboard dens, monsters, rockets, robots, fantasy creatures: all ideas are possible with our mountain of cardboard!
2 pm - 3 pm Veil Belly Dancing with Nicola Jolly - No experience necessary and aimed at children but adults welcome. Explore the exciting shapes you can make with a veil and your body!
3 pm - 4 pm Drum Circle with Ralph Cree - Another firm favourite at Camp Cree: drumming the rhythms of funky fun, lots of games and laughter all round
4 pm Closing Ceremony - Come and joins us as we ceremonally put out the camp cree fire and sing our favourite camp Cree song one more time!
5 pm – 7 pm - Fun Family Film Night in the Gurt yurts - for those of you staying Sunday night come join us for a fun family film - The Jungle book!